GEDKeeper program is developed for work with personal genealogical database.
The program is designed for extremely simple and intuitive interface. The program is very easy to install on the computer, fully supports the GEDCOM format, has no restrictions on the number of persons and generations, allows you to generate pedigrees, building several tree species, as well as print and save their images, provides fast navigation, filtering, searching and adding multimedia materials. In addition there is an output of geographic data on Google maps (© Google).
The aim of the program is as quick and effective means of conducting personal genealogical database.
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Released version v2.33.0/Windows & v3.9.0/Linux,Windows,Android
- Localizations updated: Chinese Simplified [Jeff Li], German [Christian Bettinger], Hungarian [Kékesi Lajos, kazerniel], Japanese [mtsx68k], Polish [burtek], Spanish [Miguel A. Pérez Valdenebro], Turkish [Emre Gecher].
- Added "Modern" design theme [kazerniel].
- Added an option to disable non-standard data editing features.
- The entire help is fully updated into Spanish [Miguel A. Pérez Valdenebro].
- The entire help is fully updated in Russian and English.
- Removed GKTray from GEDKeeper.
- The "History Data" (Web Links) plugin is merged with the "Navigator" plugin.
- Restored the option to remember recent files.
- x86 support is completely removed in GKv3.
- Restored the work of design themes in GKv3 (partial).
- Fixed crash when saving file to switched off removable disk (GKv3).
- Added option to display the full file name in the main window title.
- Fixed a bug with calculating the age of parents in tree diagrams.
- Added calling of ancestor, descendant and all persons maps from tree diagrams.
- Added a number of checks for adding invalid links between different records.
- Added functions for moving multimedia files between absolute and relative paths, archive and storage.
- Minor improvements.
Released version v2.32.0/Windows & v3.8.0/Linux,Windows,Android
- The entire help is fully translated into Spanish [Miguel A. Pérez Valdenebro].
- Added additional conditions for filtering records by fields: new "contains/not contains" filters without a mask (case-sensitive), old ones renamed to "contains/not contains mask".
- Localizations updated: Afrikaans [Steyn van der Walt], Chinese Simplified [Jeff Li, learn1], Dutch [Annelotte], French [Guy Arbus], German [Christian Bettinger], Hungarian [Kékesi Lajos], Japanese [mtsx68k], Kazakh [karatal], Spanish [Miguel A. Pérez Valdenebro], Turkish [Emre Gecher].
- Added a button to the location editing dialog for taking coordinates from the cursor on the map.
- Added protection for empty records (individual, notes and multimedia) in files from other programs.
- Added option in tree diagrams - use additional dates (baptism, burial) if the main ones (births, deaths) are missing.
- Added options in tree diagrams: text paddings, date designations and mourning edges.
- Added text effect options in tree diagrams (GKv2 only).
- Added an option to disable the search for places without coordinates in geocoders (general maps).
- Added the feature to display on maps all subordinate locations and persons of the selected hierarchy of locations.
- Added mode for displaying parents' ages in tree diagrams.
- Added an option to simplify the form of woman single surnames in extended mode (output without brackets if there are no other surnames).
- Added protection against problems with folders in Windows if the file name has a space before the extension.
- Added statistics type on parents' ages at child's birth.
- Fixed a frequent error saving images to cache "A generic error occurred in GDI+".
- Added the feature to save trees to PDF files.
- Supplemented citations (links) to repositories to support source call numbers.
- Added partial (local) views of record lists.
- Added output of portraits to pedigrees.
- Fixed clearing text in the source citation dropdown list [GKv3].
- Filtering and quick search methods have been combined.
Released version v2.31.0/Windows & v3.7.0/Linux,Windows,Android
- Localizations updated: Dutch [Annelotte], German [ChakaDragon, Christian Bettinger], Chinese Simplified [Jeff Li], Kazakh [karatal], Hungarian [Kékesi Lajos], Japanese [mtsx68k].
- Added the feature to enter user's references in family, media, source and repository records.
- Added the option to include page numbers of sources in pedigrees.
- Added place analyzer/constructor to locations management tool.
- Added a section for links to subordinate locations in the location information panel.
- Added function for duplicating location records.
- The feature of selecting and exporting a separate list of records (notes, multimedia, locations) to a GEDCOM file has been added to the database splitting tool.
- Added saving of column width settings for all lists.
- Completed Spanish localization [Miguel Á. Pérez Valdenebro].
- Added remembering and the feature to select from a list of causes and agencies of events.
- Added an option to select list filtering methods (differences in speed).
- Added an option to display the full name in one line in trees, for countries with a short form of the full name (hieroglyphs).
- Added custom event types, the feature to turn off events and add custom ones.
- Added localizable names for tree borders.
- Fixed an issue where blood group fact values would get stuck after use and when a different fact type was subsequently selected.
- Added data checking option: search for notes and sources without links.
- Added a call to detailed information about sources and persons in the lists of citations to sources, children, parents and spouses (pop-up menu).
- Added display of multimedia and notes on the info-panel for events.
- Fixed multiple lines in the Author column of source citation lists (GKv3).
- Improved output of portraits from photos with DPI > 100 (GKv3).
Released version v2.30.0/Windows & v3.6.0/Linux,Windows,Android
- Added options for displaying tree diagrams: highlighting lines of a selected person, tracking (highlighting) lines of persons with matching sources.
- Localizations updated: Afrikaans [Steyn van der Walt], Dutch [Annelotte and Leo Krap], German [Christian Bettinger], Hungarian [Kékesi Lajos], Japanese [Takashi Namba], Polish [burtek].
- Added normalization of Polish feminine forms of surnames to masculine ones (burtek).
- Improved saving of notes with text aligned with spaces.
- Improved output of portraits from photos with DPI > 100 in GKv3.
- Improved age calculation for some date combinations.
- Improved sorting of children when adding in trees to diagrams.
- Fixed cancellation of adding children in tree diagrams.
- Fixed black background of tree diagram in print preview (GKv3/Windows).
- Fixed type selection in the event dialog.
- Fixed an error in opening the download link for the new version.
Released version v2.29.1/Windows & v3.5.1/Linux,Windows,Android
- Added localization to Afrikaans language [Steyn van der Walt].
- Added call to detailed information about places in the place management tool (pop-up menu).
- Fixed loading of some jpeg images.
Released version v2.29.0/Windows & v3.5.0/Linux,Windows,Android
- Released beta version for Android.
- Updated localizations: Hungarian [Kékesi Lajos], German [Christian Bettinger], Dutch [Annelotte], Japanese [難波鷹史] and Czech [Jerry Verner].
- Added the "Extended locations" option, which includes substitution of full place names depending on the date of events when using the historical ATD hierarchy.
- Added a tool for batch adding photos.
- Added support for multiple names and date periods in location records (GEDCOM 5.5 EL).
- Added a non-standard date attribute to source records (for clarifying and sorting censuses, parish books, confession books and personal documents).
- Fixed missing empty lines in notes.
- Fixed an error in attaching unknown (and webp) multimedia files.
- Added columns for signs of the presence of multimedia, notes and sources to the lists of events/facts.
- Added a call to quickly view information in the record selection dialog (list pop-up menu).
- Added a simple definition of the list of censuses in which persons from the database can be found (so far only for the Russian Empire 1718-1859).
- Fixed stability of setting the storage type when selecting a multimedia file.
- Restored the original mode for calculating age and lifetime, the dependence of age on the use of the Time Line plugin.
- Added the feature to add multiple people in the photo viewing window.
- Restored the possibility of empty value of residence facts.
- Added localization to Japanese [Takashi Namba (難波鷹史)].
- Fixed encoding detection when reading CSV files [Alex Zaytsev].
Download releases
OS | Release |
Windows 7 and later Windows 7 and later (portable) Windows 8/8.1/10/11 Windows 8/8.1/10/11 (portable) |
Debian/Ubuntu |
Android (GK v3.8.0) |